Maximum tolerated dose (MTD)
发布时间:2023-03-22 22:08:39
Maximum tolerated dose (MTD)
Maximum tolerated dose (MTD) refers to the maximum dose that a chemical tolerated does not cause death of the tested subjects (experimental animals) in the acute toxicity test of foreign compounds. Beyond which a specific toxicity or action can not be attributed to a test substance due to the compromised state of the organism. MTD is often used as a basis for the selection of dose ranges in acute toxicity tests.
最大耐受剂量(MTD) 是指在外来化合物的急性毒性试验中,一种化学物质不会导致受试对象(实验动物)死亡的最大耐受剂量。 超出此范围,由于生物体的受损状态,特定的毒性或作用不能归因于测试物质。 MTD 通常用作急性毒性试验中选择剂量范围的基础。
[1]. Thomas H Hutchinson, et al. Benefits of the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) and maximum tolerated concentration (MTC) concept in aquatic toxicology. Aquat Toxicol. 2009 Feb 19;91(3):197-202.