A cardenolide
14-Anhydrodigitoxigenin is a cardenolide and a derivative of digitoxin.1 It reduces the activity of guinea pig heart Na+/K+-ATPase by 15% when used at a concentration of 10 μM.2
|1. Kamano, Y., Tozawa, M., and Pettit, G.R. Steroids and related natural products. 90. 15β-Hydroxydigitoxigenin. J. Org. Chem. 40(6), 793-796 (1975).|2. Megges, R., Weiland, J., Sch?n, R., et al. Cardenamides from cardenolides: Cardiac and anticancer activities. Collect. Czech. Commun. 67(3), 336-352 (2002).
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