An intermediate in the citric acid cycle
Succinyl-coenzyme A (succinyl-CoA) is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle.[1]? It is converted to succinate, which is a metabolic intermediate with various biological activities. Succinyl-CoA is required, with glycine, to form δ-aminolevulinic acid in the first step of porphyrin and heme synthesis.[2]? Succinyl-CoA deficiency, caused by vitamin B12 deficiency can disrupt heme and energy production, leading to neuromotor dysfunction.[3]
[1]. Meister, A. ACYL phosphates as enzyme-bound intermediates in the biosynthesis of glutamine, glutathione, succinyl, coenzyme A, and cabamyl phosphate. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 30(8), 1157-1180 (1968).
[2]. Bonkovsky, H.L., Guo, J.-T., Hou, W., et al. Porphyrin and heme metabolism and the porphyrias. Compr Physiol 3(1), 365-401 (2013).
[3]. Bicakci, Z. Growth retardation, general hypotonia, and loss of acquired neuromotor skills in the infants of mothers with cobalamin deficiency and the possible role of succinyl-CoA and glycine in the pathogenesis. Medicine (Baltimore) 94(9), e584 (2015).
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