Chloroxylenol is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial chemical compound used to control bacteria, algae, fungi and virus.
Chloroxylenol is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial chemical compound used to control bacteria, algae, fungi and virus.
Chloroxylenol is inactivated by hard water[1]. It is used in hospitals and households for disinfection and sanitation. It is also commonly used in antibacterial soaps, wound-cleansing applications and household antiseptics such as Dettol liquid, cream and ointments. Its antibacterial action is due to disruption of cell membrane potentials[2].
[1] A Jafari, et al. J Basic Appl Sci Res. 2013, 3(6):397-401. [2] Aly R, et al. Am J Infect Control. 1998, 16(4):173-177.
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