Angiotensin II 5-valine 是血管紧张素受体 (angiotensin receptor) 的激动剂。
Angiotensin II 5-valine is an agonist of angiotensin receptor. Angiotensin receptor[1].
By day 12, systolic blood pressure (SBP) increases significantly in Angiotensin II 5-valine infused rats (197±7 mm Hg). As shown, the development of hypertension in ANG II infused rats is prevented by losartan treatment. Blood and kidney samples are harvested, subjected to HPLC to separate Angiotensin II 5-valine (exogenous) from Ile5-ANG II (endogenous) and the fractions are measured by radioimmunoassay. In the Angiotensin II 5-valine infused rats treated with losartan, total plasma ANG II levels are elevated to a greater extent than in rats not treated with losartan (289±20 v 119±14 fmol/mL). However, losartan markedly decrease by 88% the enhancement of intrarenal Val5-ANG II content that occurred in the rats infused with Val5-ANG II alone[1].
[1]. Zou LX et al. Renal uptake of circulating angiotensin II in Val5-angiotensin II infused rats is mediated by AT1 receptor. Am J Hypertens. 1998 May;11(5):570-8.
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