BA-53038B 是一种 HBV核心蛋白变构调节剂 (CpAM),与HAP口袋结合,以不同的方式调节HBV衣壳组装,其 EC50 值为3.32 μM。
BA-53038B is a HBV core protein allosteric modulator (CpAM), binding to the HAP pocket and modulating HBV capsid assembly in a distinct manner, with an EC50 value of 3.32 μM[1]. EC50: 3.32 μM (HBV nucleocapsid assembly)[1].
[1]. Zhang X, et al. Discovery of Novel Hepatitis B Virus Nucleocapsid Assembly Inhibitors. ACS Infect Dis. 2019 May 10;5(5):759-768.