Yangambin 是一种呋喃木脂素 (furofuran lignan),已经从诸如番荔枝科 (Annonaceae family) 的植物中分离出来,包括:R. pickeli,R. exalbida 和 R. mucosa 以及 Magnolia biondii。 Yangambin 是一种选择性 PAF 受体拮抗剂,通过调控 Ca2+ 通道抑制 Ca2+ 流入,导致 [Ca2+]i 在血管平滑肌细胞和随后的外周血管舒张中减少。Yangambin 表现出对 β-氨基己糖苷酶 (β-hexosamin
Yangambin, a furofuran lignan, is already isolated from plants such as member of the Annonaceae family, including species of the genus Rollinia: R. pickeli, R. exalbidaand R. mucosa, as well from the Magnolia biondii. Yangambin, a selective PAF receptor antagonist, inhibits Ca2+ influx through voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, leading to the reduction in [Ca2+]i in vascular smooth muscle cells and consequent peripheral vasodilation[1]. Yangambin exhibits the antiallergic activity against β-hexosaminidase release with an IC50 of 33.8 μM and for anti-inflammatory activity with an IC50 of 37.4 μM[2]. Ca2+
[1]. Araújo IG, et al. Calcium influx inhibition is involved in the hypotensive and vasorelaxant effects induced by yangambin. Molecules. 2014 May 23;19(5):6863-76. [2]. Jindaporn Puripattanavong, et al. Anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory compounds from Aglaia andamanica leaves. Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol. 2015,37 (1), 37-41.